Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Final Day of the First Season

Yesterday was the last day of our first season. We had hunted the past three days with some success, 2 of us killing 2 on sunday, 2 of us killing 6 on monday, and 4 of us killing 13 on tuesday. I hunted out of my layout boat yesterday after watching large numbers of Buffleheads, Goldeneye, and Canvasbacks using the river, while the other 3 guys went back in the back to some backwater. I dropped three Buffleheads, but the Cans just weren't being very cooperative. Everytime i got up to move my boat around or pee or something, thats when they would fly in.
We are supposed to have another small cold snap over our break, so once the season comes in again on the 26th i'll probably be laying out again trying to kill the divers again, unless I can find some Canadas somewhere.

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